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Funkcije FIMA Crypto
Vpogled v osebni račun
Aktivno upravljajte svoj posredniški račun za digitalna sredstva in spremljajte njegov status 24/7 365 dni v letu.
Pomoč in nasvet
Svoj račun lahko upravljate popolnoma neodvisno, kadar koli pa lahko po elektronski pošti ali spletu zaprosite za pomoč ali nasvet našega posrednika digitalnih sredstev.
Cene v realnem času
Poiščite kripto podatke, ki jih potrebujete – ne glede na to, ali želite trgovati na borzi ali vlagati v drugo kriptovaluto.
FIMA Crypto products
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Ostanimo v stiku
Če vas zanimajo podrobnosti v zvezi s trgovanjem s kriptovalutami, nas kontaktirajte našeg posrednika za digitalna sredstva in kriptovalute.
Cene kriptovalut po tržni kapitalizaciji
# | Currency | € Price | 24h % Change | T. Supply | Market cap. | 24h Volume | C. Supply |
1 | Bitcoin btc | € 102063.00 | 1530.57 | 19.8M | 2T | 50.8B | 19.8M |
2 | Ethereum eth | € 3116.48 | -83.201951331375 | 120.5M | 374.8B | 34.6B | 120.5M |
3 | XRP xrp | € 3.02 | -0.056403562321427 | 100B | 173.9B | 9.6B | 57.6B |
4 | Tether usdt | € 0.97 | 0.00030494 | 138.4B | 134.5B | 78.6B | 138.4B |
5 | Solana sol | € 270.23 | 33.8 | 592.5M | 131.8B | 31.6B | 486.7M |
6 | BNB bnb | € 672.90 | -8.7771752621467 | 145.9M | 98.1B | 1.5B | 145.9M |
7 | Dogecoin doge | € 0.36 | -0.023357578910099 | 147.7B | 53.5B | 6.4B | 147.7B |
8 | USDC usdc | € 0.97 | 0.0021491 | 47.6B | 46.4B | 18.4B | 47.6B |
9 | Cardano ada | € 1.02 | -0.017962436685437 | 45B | 36.5B | 2.1B | 35.9B |
10 | Lido Staked Ether steth | € 3100.99 | -85.446497078623 | 9.6M | 29.7B | 202.2M | 9.6M |
How It All Started
Zero Integration
Easy To Earn Money - There are many ways to earn money in our site such as faucet, shortlinks, ptc, tasks, offerwalls,Level up your account
Crypto Listings
Since the crypto boom earlier this year, we’ve had lots of requests from our users and community members to add more crypto assets. In the past month we’ve already listed.
Limit Orders
The BUX Crypto platform currently supports market orders. A market order allows you to make an the instant trade, current market price.
Token Bridge
Easy To Earn Money - There are many ways to earn money in our site such as faucet, shortlinks.
Utility Model
As a result of the recent developments regarding the Bitonic and DNB court case, the new of the requirements becoming clearer.
Limit Orders
The BUX Crypto platform currently supports market orders. A market order allows you to make an the instant trade, current market price.
One Click, Instant Payout Credit Or Debit Card
As a result of the recent developments regarding the Bitonic and DNB court case, the new of the requirements becoming clearer.
Our numbers
The Numbers Don't Lie
We offer better rates than our competitor on your favorite assets like BTC, ETH, USDC, and USDT.
You Have Questions?
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